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Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Yarn & Sea Action Collection
The Yarn & Sea Action Collection is an alluring collection of 39 actions that gives images stunning boasts of color, airy lights, gentle hazes and mattes, light leaks as well as black and white conversions.
- Works with English versions of PS and PSE
- Designed for Photoshop CS2-Creative Cloud and PSE 7+
- Compatible with PC & Mac.
- Zip file includes all files for Photoshop CS-CC and PSE 7+
- NOTE Our products are designed to be as user-friendly as possible, however you will need basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop to use any of our products.
==== GADGETS & GIZMOS ====
- G & G | Color Pop
- G & G | Brighten
- G & G | Smooth Sailing { soften image }
- G & G | De-Hazer { add clarity }
- G & G | Creamy Center { soft fill light }
- G & G | Pirates Gold { adds warmth }
- G & G | Aegaeon { deep matte }
- G & G | Sea Silk { light matte }
==== SEA TONES ====
- TONE | Sea Siren
- TONE | Delahaye
- TONE | Nereid
- TONE | Halcyone
- TONE | Pirates Cove
- TONE | Treasure Chest
- TONE | Calico Jack
- TONE | Tradewind
- TONE | Shipwrecked
- TONE | Scallywag
- PLAY ALL TONES {available for full versions of Photoshop only}
==== SEASCAPES ====
- SEASCAPE | Hazes { adds hazy color }
- SEASCAPE | Mattes { adds matte color }
- SEASCAPE | Sea Films { adds film color }
==== SEA LIGHTS ====
- LIGHTS | Beacon Lights { colour leaks }
- LIGHTS | Sanibel { creamy tone }
- LIGHTS | Tortugas { peachy tone }
- LIGHTS | Egmont { icy blue tone }
==== SEA BURSTS ====
- BURST | Sailor’s Delight
- BURST | Rise & Shine
- BURST | Anchor Aweighs
- BURST | Bright Skies
- BURST | Set Sail
==== B+W TONES ====
- B+W | Age of Sail
- B+W | Anchor
- B+W | Aweigh
- B+W | Davy Jones
- B+W | Hurricane
- B+W | Scuttlebutt
- B+W | Sail Away
- B+W | Tales of the Sea
- PLAY ALL B+W {available for full versions of Photoshop only}
Gorgeous set! There’s really something for everything in this one. I love that there is such a wide variety within the set. M.M.
There isn’t a photo that I edit that I don’t add an action from yarn and sea too. An absolutely amazing set. I love the ability to add lighting to your photographs with this set. Must have! Joe
At Seasalt & Co. we spend countless hours developing the best tools for our users. Our workflow tools go through rigorous testing phases to ensure the best results for our users. Every one of our Action collections are developed so that you have full control over every aspect of each action providing you the flexibility to experiment for endless creativity. Our actions are built with the fewest steps as possible for optimization, thus allowing you to speed up your workflow. Our artistic enhancing tools are able to compliment all genres of photography as well as evoke an emotional response from your viewers.
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Download Yarn & Sea Action Collection Free Nulled Crack