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Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Logos Showcase
WordPress plugin to display a set of images as a grid or in a carousel slider.
It’s perfect to:
- Display a list of clients, supporters or sponsors logos in your WordPress website;
- Create a grid of images with external or internal links;
- Any other creative use you might think of!
You can display the images in 3 different ways
- Normal grid – The images will have a fixed size, but they will adapt to the available space, adapting also to different screen sizes.
- Responsive grid – The images will be displayed in a grid with the number of columns you set and the images will resize to fit the columns. On smaller screens the grid will adapt, and the images will resize accordingly. In smaller screens if the number of columns set is to big for the size of the screen, less columns will display.
- Carousel – The images will be presented in a carousel slider that is responsive and also works well in touch devices. You can customize the carousel, choosing how many slides to show, the transition speed, if auto scroll is enabled, among other things.
You can enhance the images, with pre-built styles and tooltips:
- Grayscale Style – Compatible with most browsers, you can choose to display the logos on a grayscale version and a bit of transparency, and choose if on hover the image will have the original colors or not.
- Box Highlight – Simple style, that on hover displays a highlight of the image.
- Tooltips – You can choose to display a tooltip or not.
- Live Category Filter – You can group your images by categories and display only a selected category or all of them! This way you can even have a list for clients, other list for sponsors, and so on!
- URL options – Images can have links that can open on the same page or in a new page. Nofollow options and custom URL parameters options are available.
Widget & Visual Composer Ready
To include a grid or carousel inside a widget area is as simple as including any other widget! The plugin comes ready with a widget so you can easily display the logos you need, just be filling out the form! This widget will also work on Layers WP. An extra component will also be added to Visual Composer.
Shortcode and PHP Function Generator
It couldn’t be more easy to generate the necessary code to display the logos. Just go to the Shortcode generator, choose the settings you want and the shortcode and the php function that you can use will be generated and ready to copy and paste where you want! Shortcodes are to be used in posts and pages, while the php function will be necessary if you want to hard code the logo showcase in your theme files.
➤ Lưu ý: Đây là plugin bản quyền, sạch, bản mới nhất và được get trực tiếp từ nhà cung cấp. Nếu nhà cung cấp ra phiên bản mới mà Vua Theme chưa kịp update thì bạn hãy chat hoặc liên hệ ngay với Vua Theme để được hỗ trợ update nhé.
“Hãy tự bảo vệ mình bằng cách sử dụng theme / plugin chính hãng nguyên bản, nói KHÔNG với theme null“
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Download Logos Showcase Free Nulled Crack