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Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm Download FlatBook – Flat Ebook Selling Html Template Free download Nulled Crack thì chúng tôi chính là sự lựa chọn đáng tin cậy của bạn. Bởi vì chúng tôi khuyên bạn đừng nghĩ đến việc tải free bản FlatBook – Flat Ebook Selling Html Template nulled hay crack vì khả năng cao là chúng sẽ chứa mã độc gây nguy hại cho bạn. Hiện chúng tôi đang bán FlatBook – Flat Ebook Selling Html Template giá rất rẻ lại được update hoàn toàn chính hãng, giá chỉ từ 50000 giá quá rẻ so với việc 1 ngày nào đó công việc của bạn bị ngưng trệ do dính mã độc, chi phí và thời gian khắc phục sự cố lớn gấp hàng chục lần giá tiền mua là chỉ có 50000
Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo FlatBook – Flat Ebook Selling Html Template
FlatBook is a fully responsive hand coded book or ebook selling landing page html5 template featuring a trendy but unique flat design in unlimited color schemes. FlatBook suits perfectly every businesses or individuals who would like to present an ebook with a clean professional Bootstrap3 landing page, in a minimal eye-catching way.
- about.html
- blog.html
- blog-single.html
- coming-soon.html
- contact.html
- demo.html
- error.html
- index.html
- trial.html
- Bootstrap 3 framework
- 1170px wide responsive grid
- Dropdown submenus
- Retina Screen support
- W3C Validated Html5 Code
- Page preloader effect
- Customized Google map
- 404 Error & Coming Soon pages
- Blog & Single Post pages
- Parallax scroll effects
- Onepage & Multi Page usuage
- 20+ Predefined section
- 500+ Vector icons
- 9+ Html pages
- 37+ Scss files
- 9+ Default color skins
- Unlimited color option with Sass files
- Clean Flat design
- Responsive layout
- Javascript fallbacks
- Clean html5 & css3 code markup
- Sleek css3 animation effects
- Testimonials & Pricing tables
- Working ajax / php contact form with validation
Clean Flat Design: FlatBook has a trendy but unique clean and minimal flat design with included flat device mockups and parallax effects.
Fully Responsive Layout: FlatBook was designed to be 100% responsive, which means it fits perfectly every devices such as desktop screens, tablets, smartphones etc.
Over 600+ Icons: FlatBook gives you the opportunity to choose from more than 600 vector font icons.
Valid Html5 / Css3 Markup: FlatBook is precisely hand-coded with a clean semantic HTML5/CSS3 markup and successfully validated with the W3C HTML5 validator service.
Customizable Css3 animations: The template features a dozen of sleek customizable CSS3 animation effects, but if you don’t need them, they can be easily disabled.
Unique showcase with scrollable tablet mockup: We designed a scrollable tablet mockup with unlimited-height, where you can showcase your samples from your ebook
Testimonials & price tables: We cared to leave places for customizable price tables and user testimonials to convince easily your visitors.
Working ajax & php contact form with validation: FlatBook is featuring a completely working ajax / php contact form with HTML5 validation.
“Hãy tự bảo vệ mình bằng cách sử dụng theme chính hãng nguyên bản, nói KHÔNG với theme null“
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Download FlatBook – Flat Ebook Selling Html Template Free Nulled Crack