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Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Isometric Map Generator
Isometric Map Generator
Generate your very own 3d world, with just a click! Design your own Maps, Cities, Countries, and Continents with realistic effects and professional outcome.Effectively usable in different mediums, either for Print, Web, Info graphic,Gaming or Presentation purpose etc. All 100% Vector format, Scale it up or down without losing the quality and details of the graphics.
Simply apply the Graphic Style to the type or shapes and rotate, to change to your suitable 3d directions. Easily change your map surface to any color or texture (e.g. Grass, Sand, Snow, dry Earth or Wood etc.) Enhance the light and shadows of the map surface by using the (magical circle element).
The video tutorial link is included in the ‘Readme.pdf’ file in the download. Watch the detailed video presentation to utilize
the 3d map style and all its elements.
Explore the vast array of library of real world add-ons elements, which includes more than 200 editable items to literally design your very own 3D world. All included in the package.
In a few words: What you Imagine you can design here
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Download Isometric Map Generator Free Nulled Crack