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Social profiles fan/followers counter – features:
20 Social Profiles Available
- Google Plus
- Dribbble
- Youtube
- Steam
- Vimeo
- Forrst
- VK
- Flickr
- Behance
- Github
- Envato
- Comments
- Posts
20 Beautiful themes
5 soothing animations
Configurable Floating sidebar with 5 pre available themes
Widget and shortcode availables with various configurable parameters
Latest use of APIs to fetch data
Auto updates on all APIs
Option to select which social media profile to show
Display order for selected social media
Beautiful CSS3 animation – add some charm on your website.
Dark and light design themes available – fits in any design.
Fast load-time – as fast as light
Wide share, great viral – share your page, post.
Cache setting – you can set a cache period to avoid frequent API calls
Fully Responsive – compatible with mobile devices
Highly customizable – define and customize almost everything (Icons, social profiles, animation, behavior etc)
User friendly and very interactive user interface
Anyone can use it, its as easy as drag and drop.
Social share – features:
- Beautifully designed 15 themes to select from, high quality, retina ready designs for share icons.
- Beautifully designed 9 themes for floating sidebars.
- Major 15 social media included (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, GooglePlus, Pinterest, Digg, Buffer, Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Xing, Weibo, VK, Delicious, Whatsapp).
- Share via email and print options are also available as an options for sharing.
- Compatible with woocommerce and buddypress.
- Floating widgets and share with popup also available
- Latest use of APIs to fetch data.
- Auto updates on all APIs.
- Option to select which social media profile to show.
- Display order for selected social media.
- Supports custom post types and custom taxonomies.
- Display options- sidebar, widgets, posts and pages, popup and floating options are also available.
- Supports widgets and shortcodes.
- Simple option for pinterest share for images.
- Beautiful CSS3 animation – add some charm on your website.
➤ Lưu ý: Đây là plugin bản quyền, sạch, bản mới nhất và được get trực tiếp từ nhà cung cấp. Nếu nhà cung cấp ra phiên bản mới mà Vua Theme chưa kịp update thì bạn hãy chat hoặc liên hệ ngay với Vua Theme để được hỗ trợ update nhé.
“Hãy tự bảo vệ mình bằng cách sử dụng theme / plugin chính hãng nguyên bản, nói KHÔNG với theme null“
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Download AccessPress Social PRO Free Nulled Crack