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Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Adminox – Responsive Admin Dashboard & Frontend
Adminox is a premium, fully responsive web app UI kit. It has flat design and built with Bootstrap 3.3.7 & Bootstrap 4 alpha 6, HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery. It comes with bunch of reusable UI widgets, components, ready made pages. The clean and modular code will allow you to easily build any web application.
- Fully Responsive Design
- Created using Bootstrap 3.3.7 & Bootstrap 4 alpha 6
- Horizontal Layout
- Frontend template included
- Clean and intutive design
- Fully Documented
- Tickets, Todo, Taskboard pages
- About us & Contact Us page included
- Rich form,widgets,validation and wizard
- 100+ Pages
- LESS Support
- SASS Support (Bootstrap 4 version only)
- Error pages included
- Stylish pricing page
- 4000+ Font Icons
- Dashboard
- Dashboard 1
- Dashboard 2
- Admin UI
- Grid
- Sweet Alert
- Tilebox
- Nestable List
- Range Slider
- Ratings
- File Manager
- Lightbox
- Scrollbars
- Slider
- Treeview
- User Interface
- Typography
- Panel
- Buttons
- Modals
- Checkboxs-Radios
- Spinners
- Ribbons
- Portlets
- Tabs
- Progress Bars
- Notification
- Carousel
- Video
- Tooltips & Popovers
- Images
- Bootstrap UI
- Tickets
- Icons
- Colored Icons
- Glyphicons
- Material Design
- Dripicons
- Font awesome
- Feather Icons/li>
- Simple Line Icons
- Flag Icons
- File Icons
- PE7 Icons
- Typicons
- Graphs
- Flot Chart
- Morris Chart
- Google Chart
- Echarts
- Chartist Charts
- Chartjs Chart
- C3 Chart
- JustGage Chart
- Sparkline Chart
- Jquery Knob
- Inbox
- Read Mail
- Compose Mail
- Task Board
- Forms
- Form Elements
- Form Advanced
- Form Layouts
- Form Validation
- Form Pickers
- Form Wizard
- Form Masks
- Summernote
- Typeahead
- X Editable
- Wysiwig Editors
- Multiple File Upload
- Tables
- Basic Tables
- Table Layouts
- Data Table
- FooTable
- Responsive Table
- Tablesaw Table
- Editable Table
- Maps
- Google Maps
- Full Google Maps
- Vector Maps
- Mapael Maps
- Calendar
- Pages
- Starter Page
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Recover Password
- Lock Screen
- Confirm Mail
- Error 404
- Error 404-alt
- Error 500
- Extras
- About Us
- Contact
- Companies
- Members
- Members 2
- Timeline
- Invoice
- Maintenance
- Coming Soon
- Pricing
- Profile
- Email Templates
- Search Results
- Sitemap
- Todo
“Hãy tự bảo vệ mình bằng cách sử dụng theme chính hãng nguyên bản, nói KHÔNG với theme null“
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Download Adminox – Responsive Admin Dashboard & Frontend Free Nulled Crack