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Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Bouncy Castle
Say hello to Bouncy Castle! A playful, handwritten, and modern calligraphy font family with 4 sets of alternative letter styles to effortlessly switch between for maximum creativity and authenticity.
The family was designed to look incredible within wedding and event invitations, flyers and other printouts, logos and branding, apparel, and everything in between. It’s a truly flexible family and I hope that you love it as much as I do.
No special software required to access letter alternatives: The calligraphy font set has been split into 4 individual fonts, making life a whole lot easier for you to switch between all of the wonderful letter combinations to truly bring your work to life!
What’s Included? (Multilingual support with every font)
*The Original Bouncy Castle Font (OTF + TTF + Discretionary Ligatures)
*Bouncy Castle Stylistic Set 01 (OTF + TTF)
*Bouncy Castle Stylistic Set 02 (OTF + TTF)
*Bouncy Castle Stylistic Set 03 (OTF + TTF)
*Bouncy Castle Sans (OTF + TTF)
*Bouncy Castle Bonus (OTF + TTF)
*Bouncy Castle Bonus Bold (OTF + TTF)
The idea behind Bouncy Castle: To create an authentic and fun calligraphy font that packed a creative punch. With thousands of possible letter combinations, a bouncy baseline and a clean yet playful appearance, it delivered exactly that and so much more!
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Download Bouncy Castle Free Nulled Crack