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Having in hand an original issue of The New-England Weekly Journal (“Containing the most Remarkable Occurrences Foreign & Domestick”) from April 8, 1728, and a commemorative reprint of the Massachusetts Sun (“Americans!—Liberty or Death!—Join or Die!”) from May 3, 1775, I set to work. The result: Broadsheet, a full-featured font that replicates the type on printed matter from the Colonial American period. Although somewhat dark and lumpy (in keeping with print jobs of the period), Broadsheet retrains its legibility in long text blocks and works well also at display sizes. Use to simulate historical notices, pirate scrolls, or other historical materials.
Broadsheet has roman and italic styles. Each has true small capitals, old-style and lining figures, contextual, discretionary, and historical ligatures, a few old printers’ ornaments, and full Latin language support.
Package includes:
- Roman and italic desktop fonts in OTF and TTF formats
- Roman and italic webfonts in EOT, WOFF, TTF, and SVG formats
- PDF guide to OpenType features
- PDF desktop and webfonts EULAs
- ReadMe text file
Many thanks for your interest in type from 3IP.
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Download Broadsheet Free Nulled Crack