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Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Burford Stripes A
Burford is a font family that I sketched while traveling through Europe. I was mesmerized by all the unique typography that was showcased throughout the five countries I visited. Inspired by all that I had seen, I found myself spending 4-5 hours per day in Amsterdam’s Vondel Park drawing characters. Once back in the states I digitalized Burford, deciding it would make for a beautiful layer-based font.
Burford Pro package comes with all 18 layering fonts including 5 base layers, 3 top layers, 5 bottom layers and 2 sets of graphic elements. They are strategically made to build on top of each other, creating a cohesive and easy to use layer-based family. Each font also comes with a set of Stylistic Alternatives for letters A C E F G H P Q R.
Burford Basic package is created for users who don’t have access to premiere design programs (such as Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, etc) and are unable to use the layering effect. Burford can still be a powerful tool as each font can also be used on its own. It includes every font file not needed for the layering effect. (Include 13 fonts – Burford Basic, Dots, DropShadow, Extras Set A, Extras Set B, Extrude B, Extrude C, Inline, Line, Marquee, Outline, Stripes A and Stripes B).
The Burford Extras set uses all basic keyboard characters – around 100 total elements per set. They are designed to go specifically with Burford and complement its varying styles perfectly. The set includes: banners, borders, corners, arrows, line breaks, catchwords, anchors and many more!
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Download Burford Stripes A Free Nulled Crack