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Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form Plugin
Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form Plugin makes your visitors instantly call the contact form without waiting of page loading. The plugin adds hidden form with slide in revealing animation sitewide on your WordPress website or blog. For example you can make menu item ‘Contact Me’ open contact form on the same page impoving user experience. Or you can use simply amazing floating button to trigger contact form.
Instead of forcing your readers to try and find the link to your contact details, then load a new page, before sending you a message, this plugin makes it as easy for them to get in touch by removing all the superfluous steps that traditionally make up the process.
— Joe Fylan, WPKube
Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form Plugin comes with 3 terrific themes, social bar, Mailchimp integration and extensive customization on design. This lightweight plugin uses modern CSS3 transitions, has layout responsive to screen size changes, works well on mobile devices and reacts on swipe gestures. Form submits via AJAX so doesn’t reload your page.
Features of WordPress Contact Form Plugin:
- Message logging to .txt file.
- Mailchimp opt-in.
- Modern material design effects.
- Stylings for Contact Form 7 shortcodes. Also will work with not very complex Gravity Forms shortcodes. It should work with other form shortcodes.
- Option to hide built-in floating button. You can trigger contact form opening from any element on your page like menu button, any link or image).
- User-friendly Settings page.
- Contact form adjusts its layout automatically for the best view depending on fields you filled on Settings page.
- Use built-in background library or upload and use your own image.
- Client-side form validation and form AJAX submission.
- WPML support using this module String Translation.
- Swipes support for mobile devices.
- Localization for languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Polish, Finnish. If you have improvements please PM to me your translations.
- Social bar.
- Human test option to prevent spam.
Known issues
Chrome browser has some glitches rendering fixed background (background-attachment:fixed rule) after CSS transformations applied to parent elements (which can be happening when plugin pushes content). Background becomes static and flickers. This cannot be fixed until Chrome devs fix this for their browser. Plugin applies workaround for this case when body element has fixed background. For rest elements it applies background attachment ‘static’ in Chrome. You can use slide out animation instead of pushing content if you want your background to be fixed. Also you can request test for your theme via PM.
Problems are possible on RTL sites, use at your own risk.
Only jQuery 1.7+ is required on site.
NK Plugins are compatible
All plugins are compatible and develop synchronously. You may expect new features available for all of them. Purchasing on CodeCanyon guarantees lifetime free updates.
➤ Lưu ý: Đây là plugin bản quyền, sạch, bản mới nhất và được get trực tiếp từ nhà cung cấp. Nếu nhà cung cấp ra phiên bản mới mà Vua Theme chưa kịp update thì bạn hãy chat hoặc liên hệ ngay với Vua Theme để được hỗ trợ update nhé.
“Hãy tự bảo vệ mình bằng cách sử dụng theme / plugin chính hãng nguyên bản, nói KHÔNG với theme null“
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Download Ninja Kick: WordPress Contact Form Plugin Free Nulled Crack