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Preppy Art contains 59 high-quality brushes for Adobe Illustrator. Made with real paint strokes on canvas!
I made a lot of research on 50s and 60s illustration used in magazines. I collected illustrations from men and fashion magazines from that era. I love illustrated advertisigns especially!
With such great inspiration I started making these brushes. I used acrylic paint and old canvas and hade a little fun.
When you are making textured vector brushes, struggle always is to find balance between nice stroke shape and texture.
I really liked the idea of strokes with canvas textures and half-dried paint on brush tip. It creates beautiful dynamic effect in your illustrations.
After I made tons of pain strokes, I selected the best ones and started making magic in Adobe Illustrator. I cleaned all messy parts and vectorized them in high resolution.
But no one likes the slowing brushes, so I kept it “draw-friendly” – you can draw with them without your computer is going mental!
Recently I started using Ipad Pro with Adobe Illustrator (with Astropad app) so I made a pressure sensitive version of the brushes.
You can control the weight of strokes while you drawing, so it saves your time!
Tested with Apple pencil on Ipad Pro, but it works fine with other styluses.
With Preppy Art Brushes you can make a stunnig vector illustration and get nice retro feeling into your artwork!
What’s in it:
- 59 vector brushes for Adobe Illustrator
- sorted from thin to thick
- pressure sensitive version of the brushes – if you are using Adobe Illustrator CS6 and higher version with tablet & stylus
Minimal requirements is Adobe Illustrator CS3 and higher versions
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Download Preppy Art Brushes for Adobe Illustrator Free Nulled Crack