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Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm Download Real Estate Photo Retoucher Free download Nulled Crack thì chúng tôi chính là sự lựa chọn đáng tin cậy của bạn. Bởi vì chúng tôi khuyên bạn đừng nghĩ đến việc tải free bản Real Estate Photo Retoucher nulled hay crack vì khả năng cao là chúng sẽ chứa mã độc gây nguy hại cho bạn. Hiện chúng tôi đang bán Real Estate Photo Retoucher giá rất rẻ lại được update hoàn toàn chính hãng, giá chỉ từ 30000 giá quá rẻ so với việc 1 ngày nào đó công việc của bạn bị ngưng trệ do dính mã độc, chi phí và thời gian khắc phục sự cố lớn gấp hàng chục lần giá tiền mua là chỉ có 30000
Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo Real Estate Photo Retoucher
The action set for real estate photographers! These 15 Photoshop actions can fix wide angle photos, improve white walls, add blue/twilight skies, and more.
- Fully Editable & Nondestructive Layers
- Professional Results
- Photoshop Actions
1. Volume Deformation (2 Levels)
Many interior real estate photos can only be captured with wide angle lens. Unfortunately, this can cause distortions that can make TVs, fireplaces, tables, etc. look too long. With Volume Deformation, you can correct these issues without resorting to expensive 3rd party software.
2. Volume Deformation (5 Levels)
This action is made for lens 12mm and wider. It produces 5 levels of volume deformation.
3. Improve White Walls
Lighting can cause color casts on white walls. This action restores the neutral color on white walls and ceilings.
4. Neutralize Colors
Improve the look of stainless steel appliances, countertops, and any neutral-color objects by removing color cast.
5. Remove Blue Cast
Windows can reflect cool outdoor lighting towards your interiors. For example, hardwood flooring can have a blue reflection which looks distracting. By removing the blue cast, your interior photo will look cleaner and more professional.
6. Blue Skies
Make any photo look like it was shot on a sunny day! This action turns overexposed or cloudy skies into beautiful blue skies. On photos that already have blue skies, it can deepen the color similar to what a polarizing filter does.
7. Enhance Foliage
This action makes grass, trees, and other foliage more vivid without affecting other colors.
8. Twilight
Turn night photos into twilight photos or use this action to enhance the intensity of your already-twilight photos.
9. Increase Edge Contrast
Edge contrast can dramatically improve any real estate photo – especially if you any in-camera HDR feature.
10. Auto DRI
A simple action that maximizes the dynamic range of your photo. It automatically detects the most highlights and shadows it can pull while keeping your photo looking natural.
11. Boost DR
This action reveal hidden details in the shadows and highlights. You can then adjust the amount of detail to restore simply by changing the layer opacity.
12. Boost Shadows
Like the Boost DR action but only in the shadows.
13. Restore Highlights
Like the Boost DR action but only in the highlights.
14. Batch Volume Deformation (2 Levels) [Photoshop CC Only]
Save time by applying volume deformation to all opened documents! Load all your real estate photos into Photoshop, play this action, then take a break and come back when it’s done. The batch action automatically detects the number of images you have opened and stops by itself when done.
15. Batch Volume Deformation (5 Levels) [Photoshop CC Only]
Same as the previous action but creates 5 levels of volume deformation.
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Download Real Estate Photo Retoucher Free Nulled Crack